We as Humans
Who wants it all
We who wants to
Have a power over
Everything that we touch
We as Humans
Our life that has extended
With the medications
To keep illness out
Yet we still go through pain
Suffering in the new old age
Yet we want to hang on
To our life as gold
We the Humans
Will not learn to let go
Everything that we touch
Loosing our dignity and health
Carry on no matter what
Laying in bed crying
But the will to live forever
Will not let us go
Calmly to the other World
Of unknown.
Copyright Kiran Shah
If one does not believe
Then there is no hope
If there is no hope
Then there is no dream
If there is no dream
Then there is no goal
If there is no goal
Then life is empty.
Copyright Kiran Shah
This Universe, This Galaxy, This Solar System
Moves to infinity from the source of the bang.
New stars created, as old ones die,
In all the galaxies as they form and die.
In this time that is borrowed time.
This Past, This Present, This Future
Moves to infinity from the source of the bang.
As now the time is set in motion
As the past time moves into history dead.
In this time that is borrowed time.
This Soul, This Body, This Life Form
Moves to infinity from the source of the bang.
New life created, as the old ones die out.
This soul moves to a new body forever.
In this time that is borrowed time.
Copyright Kiran Shah
We all are looking for paradise
Looking everywhere to find it
But the paradise is here
Our Planet is our Paradise
But we don’t know it yet
So we try looking for our paradise
Within ourself deep down in our soul
We follow the path of God
Is there a God?
Some of them try to preach their belief to others
So that we can feel their paradise
But that is not a paradise
It is only a belief of others
But then there are others
Who wants to control you
They don’t want you to think
for yourself
Just follow them
Into there paradise
That is not paradise
But the paradise is here
Right in front of us
Our life on this planet
Enjoy your time here
Live your life
With Love, Peace and Happiness
And you have found your Paradise.
Copyright Kiran Shah
As the saying goes that,
At the prime of life,
The wisdom of life comes.
One matures like a fine wine
As we get older and experienced.
But that wisdom is,
a little bit too late.
As the young don’t listen,
They think they know the life.
Then it would be nice to,
Have that wisdom when young.
Then one can set-up the goals,
Achieve everything in life to be.
That is when we need,
This wisdom most.
So that our life will go,
Accordingly to what we planned.
Copyright Kiran Shah

Kiran’s 2nd poetry book is now out!
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