Here, Kiran discusses his beliefs in Jainism.
There are only several million Jains in the world.
Jainism is a religion that has no gods but 24 teachers (Tirthankaras). It is very similar to Buddhism. No one knows exactly how old Jainism is. The first teacher was Rishabhdeva, and the last, the 24th teacher, was Mahavira, who lived about 2500 years ago.
The Jain philosophy is that every life form, whether it is the smallest bacteria or the largest animal, or life form in the universe, is equal and respected. There is no caste, color, race, or sexism. The teachings also emphasize caring for nature and the environment. This is the philosophy of complete non-violence.
Jainism is centered around three main principles: Ahimsa (non-violence), Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), and Anekantavada (non-absolutism). These principles guide Jains in their daily lives, promoting peace, self-control, and openness to multiple perspectives. Jainism’s emphasis on non-violence extends to thoughts, words, and actions, making it a profoundly ethical and contemplative path.
This philosophy has helped Kiran to write his thoughts and poems.
If you want to know more about Jainism, please visit the links below.